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9 Pulling

The commands that fetch forge data are available the Forge’s main menu (forge-dispatch on N) and from the same menu (magit-fetch on f) that is used to fetch Git data. If magit-pull-or-fetch is non-nil, then they are also available from the magit-pull menu (on F).

With Git you have to explicitly pull Git data to make it available in the local repository. Forge works the same; you have to explicitly pull to pull data using the forge’s API and storing in the local database. This is less disruptive, more reliable, familiar and easier to understand than if Forge pulled by itself at random intervals. It might however mean that you occasionally invoke a command expecting the most recent data to be available and then have to abort and pull first. The same can happen with Git, e.g., you might attempt to merge a branch that you know exists but haven’t actually pulled yet.

f n (forge-pull)
N f f

This command uses a forge’s API to fetch topics and other information about the current repository and stores the fetched information in the database.

If the current repository is still untracked locally, or the current repository cannot be determined, this command instead behaves like forge-add-repository, i.e., it adds the repository to the database and then performs the initial pull.

f N (forge-pull-notifications)
N f n

This command uses a forge’s API to fetch all notifications from that forge, including, but not limited to, the notifications for the current repository.

Fetching notifications fetches associated topics even for repositories that you have not yet explicitly added to the local database.

N f t (forge-pull-topic)

This command uses a forge’s API to fetch a single pull-request and stores it in the database. This is useful if you chose to not fetch all topics when you added the repository using forge-add-repository.

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