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B.1 Supported Forges

B.1.1 Github

Forge’s support for Github can be considered the "reference implementation". Support for other forges can lag behind a bit.

B.1.1.1 Github Caveats

  • Forge uses the Github GraphQL API when possible but has to fall back to use the REST API in many cases because the former is still rather incomplete.
  • The Github GraphQL API has a hard-coded timeout on queries. The only solution is to reduce the number of entities we query at once, which can be done by adjusting either the forge.graphqlItemLimit git variable or the field "GQL entity limit" in a status buffer.
  • Forge depends on the updated_at field being updated when appropriate. For Github pull-requests at least, that is not always done.

B.1.1.2 Github Hosts

B.1.2 Gitlab

B.1.2.1 Gitlab Caveats

  • Forge cannot provide notifications because the Gitlab API does not expose those.