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4.5.1 Viewing Git Output

Magit runs Git either for side-effects (e.g. when pushing) or to get some value (e.g. the name of the current branch).

When Git is run for side-effects, the process output is logged in a per-repository log buffer, which can be consulted using the magit-process command when things don’t go as expected.

The output/errors for up to ‘magit-process-log-max’ Git commands are retained.

$     (magit-process)

This commands displays the process buffer for the current repository.

Inside that buffer, the usual key bindings for navigating and showing sections are available. There is one additional command.

k     (magit-process-kill)

This command kills the process represented by the section at point.

User Option: magit-git-debug

When this is non-nil then the output of all calls to git are logged in the process buffer. This is useful when debugging, otherwise it just negatively affects performance.