Forge allows you to work with Git forges, currently Github and Gitlab, from the comfort of Magit and Emacs.
This manual is for Forge version 0.4.8.
Copyright (C) 2018-2025 Jonas Bernoulli <>
You can redistribute this document and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Forge allows you to work with Git forges, currently Github and Gitlab, from the comfort of Magit and Emacs.
Forge fetches issues, pull-requests and other data using the forge’s API and stores the retrieved information in a local database. Additionally it fetches pull-request references using Git.
Please first do the common setup below and then carefully follow the instructions for your forge instance. Once you have completed the setup, you can start tracking repositories (see Initial Pull).
If you run into difficulties during setup or the initial pull, then please also see How Forge Detection Works and (ghub)Getting Started.
Loading Magit doesn’t cause Forge to be loaded automatically. Adding something like this to your init file takes care of that:
(with-eval-after-load 'magit (require 'forge))
Or if you use use-package
(use-package forge :after magit)
By default Forge adds some bindings to Magit keymaps and menus, and
some sections to Magit buffers. If you would like to prevent that,
you have to set forge-add-default-bindings
to nil
, before magit
(not just forge
) is
First inform Forge about your username:
git config --global github.user USERNAME
If you need to identify as another user in a particular repository, then you have to set that variable locally:
cd /path/to/repo git config --local github.user USERNAME
Visit in a browser to generate
a new "classic" token using the repo
, user
and read:org
Do not close the browser window just yet, because the token will
only be shown once.
The built-in Auth-Source ((auth)Top) package is used to store the
token generated in the previous step. The auth-sources
controls how and where Auth-Source keeps its secrets. The default
value is a list of three files: ("~/.authinfo" "~/.authinfo.gpg"
, but that can lead to confusing behavior, so you should
make sure that only one of these files exists, and then you should
also adjust the value of the variable to only ever use that file,
for example:
(setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo"))
In ~/.authinfo
secrets are stored in plain text. If you don’t want
that, then you should use the encrypted ~/.authinfo.gpg
(setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo.gpg"))
Make sure you put one of these forms in your init file and to evaluate
it in the current Emacs instance as well, by placing the cursor after
the final closing parenthesis and typing C-x C-e
Next add a line like the following to the chosen file:
machine login USERNAME^forge password TOKEN
must be
. Variations of this
won’t work.
variable above. You must append ^forge
to that, without any space
in between.
Finish by typing M-x auth-source-forget-all-cached RET
. If you don’t
do this, then Auth-Source may fail to look up the token.
Before you setup a Github instance that is not, please set that up first. The setup for is easier and if that works, but the setup for the other Github instance fails, then we can tentatively narrow the issue down to the parts that differ between and other instances.
While Forge knows about, it does not know about
your other Github instances. Forge instances are configured using
the option forge-alist
(also see its docstring). The entry for in that variable looks like this:
("" ; GITHOST "" ; APIHOST "" ; WEBHOST and INSTANCE-ID forge-github-repository) ; CLASS
You have to add an entry for your instance. For example, assuming you company uses, this might be correct:
(push '("" ; GITHOST "" ; APIHOST "" ; WEBHOST and INSTANCE-ID forge-github-repository) ; CLASS forge-alist)
Your company may use hostnames that follow a different format. You
should be able to easily determine and verify GITHOST and WEBHOST,
but determining APIHOST is more difficult; you might have to ask a
coworker. APIHOST could be something like
, but it
could also be something like
If the REST API’s end point is /v3
and the GraphQL API’s end point is
, then use something like
as APIHOST. This is
a historic accident. See
We will use INSTANCE-ID (aka WEBHOST) and APIHOST below.
Inform Forge about your username for the Github instance in question:
git config --global github.INSTANCE-ID.user USERNAME
and USERNAME is tarsius
then use:
git config --global tarsius
Visit your forge in a browser. Follow a link to "Settings", from
there to "Developer settings", from there to "Personal access tokens",
and finally to "Tokens (classic)". On that page generate a new token
using the repo
, user
and read:org
scopes. Do not close the browser
window just yet, because the token will only be shown once.
The built-in Auth-Source ((auth)Top) package is used to store the
token generated in the previous step. The auth-sources
controls how and where Auth-Source keeps its secrets. The default
value is a list of three files: ("~/.authinfo" "~/.authinfo.gpg"
, but that can lead to confusing behavior, so you should
make sure that only one of these files exists, and then you should
also adjust the value of the variable to only ever use that file,
for example:
(setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo"))
In ~/.authinfo
secrets are stored in plain text. If you don’t want
that, then you should use the encrypted ~/.authinfo.gpg
(setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo.gpg"))
Make sure you put one of these forms in your init file and to evaluate
it in the current Emacs instance as well, by placing the cursor after
the final closing parenthesis and typing C-x C-e
Next add a line like the following to the chosen file:
machine APIHOST login USERNAME^forge password TOKEN
. In the above example that would be
Do not instead use GITHOST or INSTANCE-ID (aka WEBHOST).
to that, without any space
in between.
Finish by typing M-x auth-source-forget-all-cached RET
. If you don’t
do this, then Auth-Source may fail to look up the token.
First inform Forge about your username:
git config --global gitlab.user USERNAME
If you need to identify as another user in a particular repository, then you have to set that variable locally:
cd /path/to/repo git config --local gitlab.user USERNAME
Visit in a
browser to generate a new token using the api
, read_api
and read_user
scopes. Do not close the browser window just yet, because the token
will only be shown once.
The built-in Auth-Source ((auth)Top) package is used to store the
token generated in the previous step. The auth-sources
controls how and where Auth-Source keeps its secrets. The default
value is a list of three files: ("~/.authinfo" "~/.authinfo.gpg"
, but that can lead to confusing behavior, so you should
make sure that only one of these files exists, and then you should
also adjust the value of the variable to only ever use that file,
for example:
(setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo"))
In ~/.authinfo
secrets are stored in plain text. If you don’t want
that, then you should use the encrypted ~/.authinfo.gpg
(setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo.gpg"))
Make sure you put one of these forms in your init file and to evaluate
it in the current Emacs instance as well, by placing the cursor after
the final closing parenthesis and typing C-x C-e
Next add a line like the following to the chosen file:
machine login USERNAME^forge password TOKEN
should be
. For historic reasons
is also supported.
backend, then you
must use
as host
variable above. You must append ^forge
to that, without any space
in between.
Finish by typing M-x auth-source-forget-all-cached RET
. If you don’t
do this, then Auth-Source may fail to look up the token.
Before you setup a Gitlab instance that is not, please set that up first. The setup for is easier and if that works, but the setup for the other Gitlab instance fails, then we can tentatively narrow the issue down to the parts that differ between and other instances.
While Forge knows about (and a few other well-known
instances, see its value) it has to be taught about other Gitlab
instances. Forge instances are configured using the option
(also see its docstring). The entry for in that variable looks like this:
("" ; GITHOST "" ; APIHOST "" ; WEBHOST and INSTANCE-ID forge-gitlab-repository) ; CLASS
For historic reasons, APIHOST actually has to be a host followed by a path.
You have to add an entry for your instance. For example, assuming you company/organisation uses, this might be correct:
(push '("" ; GITHOST "" ; APIHOST "" ; WEBHOST and INSTANCE-ID forge-gitlab-repository) ; CLASS forge-alist)
Your company may use hostnames that follow a different format. You should be able to easily determine and verify GITHOST and WEBHOST, but determining APIHOST is more difficult; you might have to ask a colleague.
We will use INSTANCE-ID (aka WEBHOST) and APIHOST below.
Inform Forge about your username for the Gitlab instance in question:
git config --global gitlab.INSTANCE-ID.user USERNAME
and USERNAME is tarsius
then use:
git config --global tarsius
Visit your forge in a browser. Follow a link to "Preferences" and
from there to "Access Tokens". On that page generate a new "Personal
access token" using the api
, read_api
and read_user
scopes. Do not
close the browser window just yet, because the token will only be
shown once.
The built-in Auth-Source ((auth)Top) package is used to store the
token generated in the previous step. The auth-sources
controls how and where Auth-Source keeps its secrets. The default
value is a list of three files: ("~/.authinfo" "~/.authinfo.gpg"
, but that can lead to confusing behavior, so you should
make sure that only one of these files exists, and then you should
also adjust the value of the variable to only ever use that file,
for example:
(setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo"))
In ~/.authinfo
secrets are stored in plain text. If you don’t want
that, then you should use the encrypted ~/.authinfo.gpg
(setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo.gpg"))
Make sure you put one of these forms in your init file and to evaluate
it in the current Emacs instance as well, by placing the cursor after
the final closing parenthesis and typing C-x C-e
Next add a line like the following to the chosen file:
machine APIHOST login USERNAME^forge password TOKEN
, or that element with the path suffix
removed. For example, if the APIHOST, specified in an forge-alist
entry, is
, then you can use
Historically only the former was supported, but that was a design
mistake, which we are now stuck with, and using just
APIHOST in ~/.authsource
is now recommended. For the time being, in
you must still always use
If you instead use the auth-source-pass
backend, then you must use
as the value of host
. Using
does not
work with that backend.
to that, without any space
in between.
Finish by typing M-x auth-source-forget-all-cached RET
. If you don’t
do this, then Auth-Source may fail to look up the token.
Forge currently only supports the Github and Gitlab APIs.
It does however partially support a few additional forge types (see
Partially Supported Forges) and other lighter weight software used
to host Git repositories, which also provide a web interfaces (see
Supported Semi-Forges). Forge doesn’t use the APIs of such forges,
but registering the host and adding repositories to the local database
at least enables the use of commands such as forge-browse
A few hosts, which use partially supported forge types, are available
out-of-the-box, because they have an entry in the default value of
option forge-alist
(also see its docstring). For example, the entry
for in that variable looks like this:
("" ; GITHOST "" ; APIHOST "" ; WEBHOST and INSTANCE-ID forge-gitea-repository) ; CLASS
To be able to add repositories from a, so far, unknown forge instance
to your local database, you have to add an entry for that instance to
. For example, assuming you use another Gitea instance,
hosted at, this might be correct:
(push '("" ; GITHOST "" ; APIHOST "" ; WEBHOST and INSTANCE-ID forge-gitea-repository) ; CLASS forge-alist)
Look at forge-alist
entries of other hosts using the same forge type
as the instance you are configuring, to see what format might be
appropriate. You should be able to easily determine and verify
GITHOST and WEBHOST, but determining APIHOST is more difficult; you
might have to ask a colleague. APIHOST could be something like
, but it could also be something like
For each fully or partially supported forge type, Forge defines at
least a class. The following example is taken from forge-semi.el
(defclass forge-cgit-repository (forge-noapi-repository) ((commit-url-format :initform "https://%h/%p.git/commit/?id=%r") (branch-url-format :initform "https://%h/%p.git/log/?h=%r") (remote-url-format :initform "https://%h/%p.git/about")) "Cgit from Different hosts use different url schemata, so we need multiple classes. See their definitions in \"forge-semi.el\".")
Once you add a host using that class to forge-alist
and then a
repository from that host to the local database, you will be able
to use commands such as forge-browse-branch
(but not much more).
If you want to add a repository from another host, which happens to
use another software or another URL schemata, then you might have to
define an additional class first. See forge-semi.el
for simple
examples and grep for defclass forge-.*-repository
for more complex
To start using Forge in a certain repository, visit the Magit status
buffer for that repository and type N / a
). You
are given a choice to pull all topics, all topics that were updated
after a certain date, or only individual topics.
Beside adding the repository to the database, this also adds a new
value to the Git variable remote.<remote>.fetch
, which causes all
pull-request refs (+refs/pull/*/head:refs/pullreqs/*
for Github)
to be fetched by Git.
Note that it is possible to use the same command to add any repository from a supported forge to the database, without cloning the Git repository first.
The initial fetch can take a while but most of the work is done asynchronously. Storing the information in the database is done synchronously though, so there can be a noticeable hang at the end. Subsequent fetches are much faster.
Fetching issues from Github is much faster than fetching from other forges, because making a handful of GraphQL requests, is much faster than making hundreds of REST requests.
Much like Git stores information in a local repository and does not require a constant internet connection, Forge retrieves additional information using a forge’s API and stores that in a local database.
Forge’s equivalent of git clone
is forge-add-repository
, which has to
be run, before most of Forges features become available in the local
clone of a Git repository.
) ¶This command guides the user through the process of adding a repository to the local database.
Note that it is possible to add a repository to the local database, without pulling all the data, which is useful if you just want to create a single issue or pull-request in a repository, but are not interested in existing topics, e.g., because you do not regularly contribute to that repository.
Also note that you can add a repository to the local database, even if no local Git clone exists.
Like with Git, you have to explicitly pull remote changes, at your
leisure, using forge-pull
) ¶This command uses a forge’s API to fetch topics and other information about the current repository, and stores the fetched information in the database.
If the current repository isn’t being tracked in the local database
yet, then this command pivots to behave like forge-add-repository
Forge adds two additional sections to Magit’s status buffer, which
list open and/or pending issues and pull-requests. Typing RET
, while
the cursor is on a topic section, shows more information about that
topic in a separate buffer. Typing RET
on a topic list section, shows
that list in a separate buffer, where you can apply different filters.
The other main entry point to the functionality provided by Forge is
the forge-dispatch
) ¶This prefix command is available in all Magit buffers and provides access to most of the available Forge commands. See the following sections for information about the available commands.
Topics are listed in two sections in Magit’s status buffer, but can
also be listed in dedicated buffers. Likewise individual topics can
be visited in separate buffers. In both cases this can be done by
placing the cursor on the respective section in the status buffer and
typing RET
, or by invoking the appropriate command from Forge’s main
menu, on N
List commands and corresponding menu commands exist for topics,
notifications and repositories, but there isn’t always an exclusive
mapping from menu to buffer. The main menu (forge-dispatch
), the
configuration menu (forge-configure
), the menu which controls the
current topic or the topic at point (forge-topic-menu
), and the
menu which controls the topics listed in the current buffer
), are useful in more than one major mode.
All of these menus feature bindings to directly switch to the other
appropriate menus. So it is enough to remember that N
always brings
up the dispatch menu; you can always navigate to another menu from
C-c C-c
brings up the most appropriate menu for the current buffer.
In Magit’s status buffer the most appropriate menu is Magit’s own
dispatch menu (magit-dispatch
), so here the quickest way to invoke
Forge’s dispatch menu is N
. Even in Magit’s status buffer, when the
cursor is an individual topic or on a topic list section, C-c C-c
opens the respective menu (forge-topics-menu
or forge-topic-menu
The following sections describe most of the available menu and list
commands. For forge-topic-menu
, see Editing Topics.
) ¶This prefix menu command is available in all Magit buffers and provides access to most of the available Forge commands. See the following sections for information about the available commands.
) ¶This command displays a menu used to configure the current repository and some global settings as well.
) ¶This command displays a menu used to control the list of topics displayed in the current buffer.
Note that this command can not only be used in buffers dedicated to listing topics, but also in Magit’s status buffer.
) ¶This command lists the current repository’s issues in a separate buffer. If the list buffer already exists, this command only ensures that all types of topics are listed. If any other filters are in effect, they are left intact.
) ¶This command lists the current repository’s issues in a separate buffer. If the list buffer already exists, this command limits the list to issues. If any other filters are in effect, they are left intact.
) ¶This command lists the current repository’s pull-requests in a separate buffer. If the list buffer already exists, this command limits the list to pull-requests. If any other filters are in effect, they are left intact.
) ¶This command lists topics across all tracked repository. If the list buffer already exists, filters except for the type filter are left in effect.
This command lists issues across all tracked repository. If the list buffer already exists, filters except for the type filter are left in effect.
This command lists pull-requests across all tracked repository. If the list buffer already exists, filters except for the type filter are in effect.
) ¶This command displays a menu used to control the list of notifications displayed in the current buffer.
) ¶This command lists all notifications for all forges in a separate buffer.
) ¶This command displays a menu used to control the list of repositories displayed in the current buffer.
) ¶This command lists all known repositories in a separate buffer. Here "known" means that an entry exists in the local database.
) ¶This commands visits the repository at point in a separate buffer.
) ¶This command lists all known repositories that belong to the user in a separate buffer. Here "known" means that an entry exists in the local database. Only Github is supported for now.
The below options controls which repositories are considered to be
owned by the user. They are additionally used by forge-fork
This is an alist of accounts that are owned by you. This should include your username as well as any organization that you own.
Each element has the form (ACCOUNT . PLIST)
. The following
properties are currently being used:
The default name suggested by forge-fork
for a fork
created within this account. If unspecified, then the name of the
account is used.
Example: (("tarsius") ("emacsmirror" remote-name "mirror"))
This is a list of repository names that are considered to not be
owned by you, even though they would have been considered to be
owned by you based on forge-owned-accounts
To exit a menu, type C-g
. If the menu was invoked from another menu
and that menu is useful in the current buffer, then that menu becomes
active again. If that happens and you actually want to quit all
menus, then just type C-g
again. You can also directly exit all menus
by using C-q
, instead of C-g
Type q
to quit not only the menu, but also the list or topic detail
buffer. That binding is also available when no menu is active, in
which case it will simply quit the buffer. When invoked from a menu,
then this binding may return to another list buffer, in which case
some menu may also remain active.
This option specifies the filters initially used to limit topics listed in topic list buffers.
This option specifies the filters initially used to limit topics listed in Magit status buffers.
Also see Topic sections in Magit status buffers.
Forge arranges for certain issues and pull-requests to be list in
Magit status buffers, by adding the following functions to
Which topics are listed initially is customizable using option
and can be changed
temporarily for the current buffer, using N m f
This function inserts a list of issues, by default a list of "active" issues.
This function inserts a list of pull-requests, by default a list of "active" pull-requests.
Forge used to provide additional functions to insert hard-coded topic
subsets, but they were removed in favor of the more flexible approach
described above. If you miss the removed sections, you can use the
new forge-insert-topics
helper function to define your own section
inserter functions. See its docstring for more information.
If you don’t want any topic list sections to be displayed in Magit
status buffers, set forge-add-default-sections
to nil
before magit
The commands, accessible from forge-topic-menu
(on C-return
), act on
the topic at point; so this menu is useful in buffers dedicated to
listing topics and notifications (which correspond to topics), but
also in the status buffer (which also lists topics). In buffers
dedicated to showing details about a single topic, these commands act
on that topic; so this menu can be used there too.
To switch to this menu from another menu use m s
. If the cursor is on
a topic or the current buffer visits a topic.
To display details about a topic in a separate buffer and at the same
time display the topic menu, invoke forge-topic-menu
with a prefix
argument, i.e., C-u RET
) ¶This commands visits the topic at point in a separate buffer. When invoked with a prefix argument then it not only visits the topic in a separate buffer, it at the same time displays
) ¶forge-visit-issue
)These commands read a topic, issue or pull-request and visit it in a separate buffer.
) ¶forge-browse-this-topic
)These commands visit the topic, issue(s), pull-request(s), post, branch, commit, remote, repository or blob at point in a browser.
) ¶forge-browse-issue
)These commands read a topic, issue(s), pull-request(s), branch, commit, remote or repository, and open it in a browser.
This command visit a blob in a browser.
When invoked from a blob- or file-visiting buffer, visit that blob without prompting. If the region is active, try to jump to the marked line or lines, and highlight them in the browser. To what extend that is possible depends on the forge. When the region is not active just visit the blob, without trying to jump to the current line. When jumping to a line, always use a commit hash as part of the URL. From a file in the worktree with no active region, instead use the branch name as part of the URL, unless a prefix argument is used.
When invoked from any other buffer, prompt the user for a branch or commit, and for a file.
We call both issues and pull-requests "topics". The contributions to the conversation are called "posts". The initial topic description is also called a post.
Creating a new topic or post and editing an existing post work similarly to now creating a new commit or editing the message of an existing commit works in Magit. In both cases the message has to be written in a separate buffer and then the process has to be finished or canceled using a separate command. The following commands drop you into such a buffer.
) ¶This command creates a new pull-request for the current repository.
) ¶This command creates a new issue for the current repository.
) ¶This command creates a new post on an existing topic. It is only available in buffers that visit an existing topic.
If the region is active and marks part of an existing post, then that part of the post is quoted. When a prefix argument is used, then the complete post, which point is currently on, is quoted.
The following commands are available in buffers used to edit posts:
) ¶This command submits the post that is being edited in the current buffer.
) ¶This command cancels the post that is being edited in the current buffer.
) ¶This prefix command features the above two commands as suffixes, and when creating a pull-request also the following command. More suffix commands will likely be added in the future.
) ¶This command toggles whether the pull-request being created is a draft.
Many details about a topic can be changed from the buffer that visits that topic, but also from topic lists, if the cursor is placed on the topic to be edited. However, to edit the posts on a topic, the topic has to be visited in its own buffer.
) ¶This command visits an existing post in a separate buffer, it can only be invoked from a topic buffer, when the cursor is on the post to be edited.
Editing an existing post is similar to creating a new post, as described in the previous section.
) ¶This command deletes the post the cursor is on. The initial message that was written when the topic was created, cannot be deleted, only replies to that.
) ¶This command displays a menu used to edit details about the topic the cursor is on or that is being visited in the current buffer. E.g., it can be used to change the status of the topic or to apply labels to it. Additionally it features a few commands that act on that topic.
Details about a topic, such as its status and labels, can
alternatively be edited by visiting the topic in its own buffer,
navigating to the header that displays the detail and then typing C-c
. This older approach is still available, but it is usually much
faster to use the menu.
The commands that fetch forge data are available the Forge’s main menu
on N
) and from the same menu (magit-fetch
on f
) that
is used to fetch Git data. If magit-pull-or-fetch
is non-nil, then
they are also available from the magit-pull
menu (on F
With Git you have to explicitly pull Git data to make it available in the local repository. Forge works the same; you have to explicitly pull to pull data using the forge’s API and storing in the local database. This is less disruptive, more reliable, familiar and easier to understand than if Forge pulled by itself at random intervals. It might however mean that you occasionally invoke a command expecting the most recent data to be available and then have to abort and pull first. The same can happen with Git, e.g., you might attempt to merge a branch that you know exists but haven’t actually pulled yet.
) ¶This command uses a forge’s API to fetch topics and other information about the current repository and stores the fetched information in the database.
If the current repository is still untracked locally, or the current
repository cannot be determined, this command instead behaves like
, i.e., it adds the repository to the database
and then performs the initial pull.
) ¶This command uses a forge’s API to fetch all notifications from that forge, including, but not limited to, the notifications for the current repository.
Fetching notifications fetches associated topics even for repositories that you have not yet explicitly added to the local database.
) ¶This command uses a forge’s API to fetch a single pull-request and
stores it in the database. This is useful if you chose to not fetch
all topics when you added the repository using forge-add-repository
Forge provides commands for creating and checking out a new branch or
work tree from a pull-request. These commands are available from the
same transient prefix commands as the suffix commands, used to create
and check out branches and work trees in a more generic fashion
on b
and magit-worktree
on %
) ¶This command creates and configures a new branch from a pull-request, creating and configuring a new remote if necessary.
The name of the local branch is the same as the name of the remote
branch that you are being asked to merge, unless the contributor
could not be bothered to properly name the branch before opening the
pull-request. The most likely such case is when you are being asked
to merge something like "fork/master" into "origin/master". In such
cases the local branch will be named "pr-N", where N
is the
pull-request number.
These variables are always set by this command:
is set to the pull-request number.
is set to the remote on which the
pull-request branch is located.
is set to the same remote as
if that is possible, otherwise
it is set to the upstream remote.
is set to the pull-request title.
is set to true
because there should be no
merge commits among the commits in a pull-request.
This command also configures the upstream and the push-remote of the local branch that it creates.
The branch against which the pull-request was opened is always used as the upstream. This makes it easy to see what commits you are being asked to merge in the section titled something like "Unmerged into origin/master".
Like for other commands that create a branch, it depends on the
option magit-branch-prefer-remote-upstream
whether the remote branch
itself or the respective local branch is used as the upstream, so
this section may also be titled, e.g., "Unmerged into master".
When necessary and possible, the remote pull-request branch is configured to be used as the push-target. This makes it easy to see what further changes the contributor has made since you last reviewed their changes in the section titled something like "Unpulled from origin/new-feature" or "Unpulled from fork/new-feature".
to that repository.
However some users like to set that variable to their personal
fork, even if they have push access to the upstream, so
is set anyway.
The most likely such case is when you are being asked to merge something like "fork/master" into "origin/master". The special push permission mentioned above is never granted for the branch that is the repository’s default branch, and that would almost certainly be the case in this scenario.
To enable you to easily push somewhere anyway, the local branch
is named "pr-N" (where N
is the pull-request number) and the
upstream repository is used as the push-remote.
The push-remote is configured using branch.<name>.pushRemote
, even
if the used value is identical to that of remote.pushDefault
, just
in case you change the value of the latter later on. Additionally
the variable branch.<name>.pullRequestRemote
is set to the remote
on which the pull-request branch is located.
) ¶This command creates and configures a new branch from a pull-request
the same way forge-branch-pullreq
does. Additionally it checks out
the new branch.
) ¶This command creates and configures a new branch from a pull-request
the same way forge-branch-pullreq
does. Additionally it checks out
the new branch, using a new working tree.
This function is used by forge-checkout-worktree
, to read the new
worktree directory where it checks out the pull-request. It takes
the pull-request as the only argument and must return a directory.
When you delete a pull-request branch, which was created using one of
the above three commands, then magit-branch-delete
usually offers to
also delete the corresponding remote. It does not offer to delete a
remote if (1) the remote is the upstream remote, and/or (2) if other
branches are being fetched from the remote.
Note that you have to delete the local branch (e.g., "feature") for this to work. If you delete the tracking branch (e.g., "fork/feature"), then the remote is never removed.
) ¶This command merges the current pull-request using the forge’s API. If there is no current pull-request or with a prefix argument, then it reads a pull-request to visit instead.
The "merge method" to be used is read from the user.
Use of this command is discouraged. Unless the remote repository is configured to disallow that, you should instead merge locally and then push the target branch. Forges detect that you have done that and respond by automatically marking the pull-request as merged.
) ¶This command adds an additional remote to the current repository. The remote can either point at an existing repository or one that has to be created first by forking it to an account the user has access to.
Currently this only supports Github and Gitlab.
) ¶This command toggle whether to show a legend for faces used in topic menus and lists.
) ¶This command toggles whether any topics are displayed in the current Magit status buffer.
) ¶This command copies the url for the topic, issue(s), pull-request(s), post, branch, commit, remote or repository to the kill-ring.
This determines the url the same way as forge-browse
does, but then
adds it to the kill-ring, instead of visiting it in a browser.
) ¶This command rename the default branch to a new name read from the user.
This changes the name on the upstream remotely and locally, and update the upstream remotes of local branches accordingly.
This command configures Git to fetch all pull-requests.
This is done by adding +refs/pull/*/head:refs/pullreqs/*
to the
value of remote.REMOTE.fetch
, where REMOTE is the upstream remote.
This command reads a host and a username from the user and adds all of that user’s repositories on that host to the local database.
This may take a while. Only Github is supported at the moment.
This command reads a host and an organization from the user and adds all the organization’s repositories on that host to the local database.
This may take a while. Only Github is supported at the moment.
This command reads a repository and removes it from the local database.
This command reads a topic and removes it from the local database. When the region marks multiple topics, then offer to remove them all.
The topic is not removed from the forge and, if it is later modified, then it will be added to the database again when fetching all topics.
This is useful for users who only fetch individual topics and want to remove the topics they are no longer interested in. This can also be used to remove topics locally, which have already been removed on the forge (the service). Forge (the package) cannot automatically detect when that happens, because given how the APIs work, this would be too expensive.
This command moves the current database file to the trash and creates a new empty database.
This is useful after the database’s table schemata have changed, which will happen a few times while the Forge functionality is still under heavy development.
This option specifies the file used to store the forge database.
Functions used to highlight parts of each individual topic title.
These functions are called in order, in a buffer that containing the
topic title. They should set text properties as they see fit, usually
just font-lock-face
. Before each function is called, point is at the
beginning of the buffer.
This option specifies the width of repository slugs (i.e., "OWNER/NAME").
This option controls whether new pull-requests start out as drafts by default.
The buffer-local value of this variable is used to keep track of the draft status of the current pull-request.
This option specifies the list of columns displayed when listing repositories.
Each element has the form (HEADER SOURCE WIDTH SORT PROPS)
HEADER is the string displayed in the header. WIDTH is the width
of the column. SOURCE is used to get the value, it has to be the
name of a slot of forge-repository
or a function that takes
such an object as argument. SORT is a boolean or a function used
to sort by this column. Supported PROPS include :right-align
and :pad-right
This option controls whether to initially limit completion candidates to active topics.
This option specifies the format for post headings in topic view.
The following %
-sequences are supported:
The forge nickname of the author.
The absolute creation date.
The relative creation date.
This option controls whether to call fill-region
before displaying
forge posts.
This option lists the hooks to which forge-bug-reference-setup
added. It has to be customized before forge
is loaded, or it won’t
take effect.
Forge uses the Ghub package to communicate with forge APIs. For more information about Ghub, see (ghub)Top.
Ghub does not associate a given local repository with a repository on
a forge. The Forge package itself takes care of this. In doing so it
ignores the Git variable
and other *.host
variables used by
Ghub. (But github.user
, and other variables used to specify the user,
are honored).
Forge associates the local repository with a forge repository, by first
determining which remote is associated with the upstream repository,
and then looking that up in forge-alist
If only one remote exists, then Forge uses that unconditionally. To
reduce the number of support requests, this is even the case if the
Git variable forge.remote
names another, non-existent, remote.
If several remotes exist, then a remote may be selected based on its name. Almost always we want to fetch the data associated with the upstream repository, so that is what the logic described here tries to achieve. The convention is to name the upstream remote "origin", and if that convention were universally followed, then things would be trivial. However many people name the upstream remote "upstream", which also makes sense.
Note, however, that even though a surprising number of people do just that, it does not make any sense to use the name "origin" to refer to a fork; not even to your own fork. A fork is a copy of the original, "copy" is an antonym for "original", and the word "origin" is not only closely related to but is even contained in the word "original". Naming a fork the "origin" is at best extremely confusing.
- copy
a thing made to be similar or identical to another.
- original
the earliest form of something, from which copies may be made.
- origin
the point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived.
If several remotes exist, then the following remote names are tried in order and the first remote thus named that exists in the repository is used.
, if set. If the
variable has a value but no remote by the specified name exists,
then a warning is shown, but otherwise this conflict is ignored.
This behavior is arguably odd, but due to historic and pragmatic
reasons it is the least painful path forward.
, if it exists.
, if it exists.
The remote named "upstream" is preferred over the remote named "origin" because the existence of the former strongly suggests that the latter is either not used in this repository (in which case the order does not matter) or else it is abused as the name of a fork (in which case "upstream" must be preferred).
The value of this variable specifies the remote from which Forge fetches data. It is usually best to leave this unspecified and to rely on the behavior described above.
If the remote has to be specified explicitly, then this should be done locally, for a single repository.
Only ever set this globally, if you consistently use a certain name to refer to the upstream repository and it isn’t one of "upstream" or "origin", and you never use that name to refer to a repository that does not refer to the upstream repository.
) ¶This command changes the value of the forge.remote
Git variable in
the current repository.
If this variable is set, then Forge uses the remote by that name, if
it exists, the same way it may have used origin
if the variable were
undefined. I.e., it does not fall through to try origin
if no remote
by your chosen name exists.
Once the upstream remote has been determined, Forge looks it up in
, using the host part of the URL as the key. For example,
the key for
This option defines forge hosts known to Forge.
Each entry has the form (GITHOST APIHOST WEBHOST CLASS)
Currently Forge supports two forges and three more forges partially. Additionally it supports four semi-forges. Support for more forges and semi-forges can and will be added.
Both forges and semi-forges provide web interfaces for Git repositories. Forges additionally support pull-requests and issues and make those and other information available using an API.
When a forge is only partially supported, then that means that only the functionality that does not require the API is implemented, or in other words, that the forge is only supported as a semi-forge.
A host is a particular instance of a forge. For example the hosts and are both instances of
the Gitlab forge. Forge supports some well known hosts out of the box
and additional hosts can easily be supported by adding entries to the
option forge-alist
(see How Forge Detection Works).
For more details about the caveats mentioned below (and some others) see also Getting Started.
Forge’s support for Github can be considered the "reference implementation". Support for other forges can lag behind a bit.
git variable or the field "GQL
entity limit" in a status buffer.
field being updated when
appropriate. For Github pull-requests at least, that is not always
Once Forgejo is supported it might be fairly simple to support Gitea too, because the former is a fork of the latter, and their APIs might still be similar enough.
Once Forgejo is supported it might be fairly simple to support Gogs too, because the Forgejo is a fork of Gitea, which is a fork of Gogs, and their APIs might still be similar enough.
I don’t plan to support Bitbucket’s API any time soon, and it gets less likely that I will every do it every time I look at it.
This section lists some frequently asked questions. Please see also for an extended list of common issues.
error in process filter: HTTP Error: 502, "Bad gateway"
¶This is a frequently occurring error. Adding some formatting, the full error is:
error in process filter: ghub--signal-error: HTTP Error: 502, "Bad gateway", "/graphql", ((data . "null") (errors ((message . "Something went wrong while executing your query. This may be the result of a timeout, or it could be a GitHub bug. Please include `CC2C:4FEA:A1771C1:CBF40CE:5C33F7E5` when reporting this issue."))))
This indicates that something went wrong within Github’s network. Unfortunately the reason given is rather vague, but I believe this usually happens when there are topics with one or two magnitudes more posts than usual, which can cause GraphQL responses to become huge.
This can be countered in the affected repository by setting the Git
variable forge.graphqlItemLimit
git config --local forge.graphqlItemLimit 20
The default is specified using the ghub-graphql-items-per-request
which defaults to 50 (down from Github’s default and maximum of 100).
Fetching less items per request results in more requests, which slows down the process, which is why the default should not be too small, but for some repositories a more aggressive limit is needed.
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