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9 Editing Topics and Posts

We call both issues and pull-requests "topics". The contributions to the conversation are called "posts". The post that initiated the conversation is also called a post.

These commands are available only from the topic buffer (i.e., from the buffer that shows the posts on a topic). Other commands that also work in other buffers are available here also. For example C-c C-w on a post visits that post in a browser.

C-c C-n (forge-create-post)
C-c C-r

This command allows users to create a new post on an existing topic. It opens a buffer in which the user can write the post. When the post is done, then the user has to submit using C-c C-c.

If the region is active and marks part of an existing post, then that part of the post is quoted. Otherwise, or if a prefix argument is used, then the complete post that point is currently on is quoted.

C-c C-e [on a post section] (forge-edit-post)

This command visits an existing post in a separate buffer. When the changes to the post are done, then the user has to submit using C-c C-c.

C-c C-e [on "Title" section] (forge-edit-topic-title)

This command reads a new title for an existing topic in the minibuffer.

C-c C-e [on "State" section] (forge-edit-topic-state)

This command toggles the state of an existing topic between "open" and "closed".

C-c C-e [on "Draft" section] (forge-edit-topic-draft)

This command toggles whether an existing topic is a draft or not.

C-c C-e [on "Labels" section] (forge-edit-topic-labels)

This command reads a list of labels for an existing topic in the minibuffer.

C-c C-e [on "Marks" section] (forge-edit-topic-marks)

This command reads a list of marks for an existing topic in the minibuffer.

Marks are like labels except that they are not shared with anyone else. To create a mark that topics can subsequently be marked with use the command forge-create-mark. Existing marks can be edited using the command forge-edit-mark.

C-c C-e [on "Assignees" section] (forge-edit-topic-assignees)

This command reads a list of assignees for an existing topic in the minibuffer.

C-c C-e [on "Review-Requests" section] (forge-edit-topic-review-requests)

This command reads a list of people who you would like to review an existing topic in the minibuffer.

C-c C-e [on "Note" section]
M-x forge-edit-topic-note

This lets you edit your private note about a topic.

C-c C-k [on a comment section] (forge-delete-comment)

This command deletes the comment at point.

m M [if enabled] (forge-merge)
N M [if enabled]

This command merges the current pull-request using the forge’s API. If there is no current pull-request or with a prefix argument, then it reads a pull-request to visit instead.

The "merge method" to be used is read from the user.

Use of this command is discouraged. Unless the remote repository is configured to disallow that, you should instead merge locally and then push the target branch. Forges detect that you have done that and respond by automatically marking the pull-request as merged.

Creating a new post and editing an existing post are similar to creating a new commit and editing the message of an existing commit. In both cases the message has to be written in a separate buffer and then the process has to be finished or canceled using a separate command.

The following commands are available in buffers used to edit posts:

C-c C-c (forge-post-submit)

This command submits the post that is being edited in the current buffer.

C-c C-k (forge-post-cancel)

This command cancels the post that is being edited in the current buffer.

C-c C-e (forge-post-dispatch)

This prefix command features the above two commands as suffixes, and when creating a pull-request also the following command. More suffix commands will likely be added in the future.

C-c C-e d (forge-post-toggle-draft)

This command toggles whether the pull-request being created is a draft.

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