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3 Getting Started

Much like Git stores information in a local repository and does not require a constant internet connection, Forge retrieves additional information using a forge’s API and stores that in a local database.

Forges equivalent of git clone is forge-add-repository, which has to be run, before most of Forges features become available in the local clone of a Git repository.

N a (forge-add-repository)

This command adds a repository to the database.

It offers to either pull topics (now and in the future) or to only pull individual topics when the user invokes forge-pull-topic.

Some of Forge’s commands are only bound when point is within one of these sections but other commands are also available elsewhere in Magit’s status buffer and/or from Magit’s transient commands.

N (forge-dispatch)

This prefix command is available in any Magit buffer and provides access to several of the available Forge commands. Most of these commands are also bound elsewhere, but some are not. See the following sections for information about the available commands.

Throughout this manual you will find many bindings that begin with N, but if you prefer to continue to use forge-dispatch’s older binding you can substitute ' for that.