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3.3.2 Listing Topics and Notifications

By default Forge lists a subset of topics directly in the Magit status buffer. It also provides commands to list topics and notifications in separate buffers.

Forge adds the following functions to magit-status-sections-hook:

Function: forge-insert-pullreqs

This function inserts a list of the most recent and/or open pull-requests.

Function: forge-insert-issues

This function inserts a list of the most recent and/or open issues.

User Option: forge-topic-list-limit

This option limits the number of topics listed by the above functions.

All unread topics are always shown. If the value of this option has the form (OPEN . CLOSED), then the integer OPEN specifies the maximal number of topics and CLOSED specifies the maximal number of closed topics. IF CLOSED is negative then show no closed topics until the command forge-toggle-closed-visibility changes the sign.

Command: forge-toggle-closed-visibility

This command toggles whether the above two functions list recently closed issues in the current buffer.

The following functions are also suitable for magit-status-sections-hook:

Function: forge-insert-assigned-pullreqs

This function inserts a list of open pull-requests that are assigned to you.

Function: forge-insert-requested-reviews

This function inserts a list of open pull-requests that are awaiting your review.

Function: forge-insert-authored-pullreqs

This function inserts a list of open pull-requests that are authored by you.

Function: forge-insert-assigned-issues

This function inserts a list of open issues that are assigned to you.

Function: forge-insert-authored-issues

This function inserts a list of open issues that are authored by you.

The following commands list repositories, notifications and topics in dedicated buffers:

N l r (forge-list-repositories)

This command lists all known repositories in a separate buffer.

N l n (forge-list-notifications)

This command lists all notifications for all forges in a separate buffer.

N l p (forge-list-pullreqs)

This command lists the current repository’s pull-requests in a separate buffer.

N l i (forge-list-issues)

This command lists the current repository’s issues in a separate buffer.

Command: forge-list-labeled-pullreqs

This command lists the current repository’s open pull-requests that are labeled with a label read from the user.

Command: forge-list-labeled-issues

This command lists the current repository’s open issues that are labeled with a label read from the user.

Command: forge-list-assigned-pullreqs

This command lists the current repository’s open pull-requests that are assigned to you in a separate buffer.

Command: forge-list-assigned-issues

This command lists the current repository’s open issues that are assigned to you in a separate buffer.

Command: forge-list-requested-reviews

This command lists pull-requests of the current repository that are awaiting your review in a separate buffer.

Command: forge-list-authored-pullreqs

This command lists the current repository’s open pull-requests that are authored by you in a separate buffer.

Command: forge-list-authored-issues

This command lists the current repository’s open issues that are authored by you in a separate buffer.

Command: forge-list-owned-pullreqs

This command lists open pull-requests from all the repositories that you own. Options forge-owned-accounts and forge-owned-ignored controls which repositories are considered to be owned by you. Only Github is supported for now.

Command: forge-list-owned-issues

This command lists open issues from all the repositories that you own. Options forge-owned-accounts and forge-owned-ignored controls which repositories are considered to be owned by you. Only Github is supported for now.

User Option: forge-owned-accounts

This is an alist of accounts that are owned by you. This should include your username as well as any organization that you own. Used by the commands forge-list-owned-issues, forge-list-owned-pullreqs and forge-fork.

Each element has the form (ACCOUNT . PLIST). The following properties are currently being used:

  • remote-name The default name suggested by forge-fork for a fork created within this account. If unspecified, then the name of the account is used.

Example: (("tarsius") ("emacsmirror" remote-name "mirror")).

User Option: forge-owned-ignored

This is a list of repository names that are considered to not be owned by you even though they would have been considered to be owned by you based on forge-owned-accounts.

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