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3.4 Miscellaneous

N c f (forge-fork)

This command adds an additional remote to the current repository. The remote can either point at an existing repository or one that has to be created first by forking it to an account the user has access to.

Currently this only supports Github and Gitlab.

N a (forge-add-repository)

This command reads a repository from the user and adds it to the database. The repository can be provided as a URL, a name, or in the form OWNER/NAME. This is subject to magit-clone-name-alist.

This command offers to either pull topics (now and in the future) or to only pull individual topics when the user invokes forge-pull-topic.

N t t (forge-toggle-display-in-status-buffer)

This command toggles whether any topics are displayed in the current Magit status buffer.

N t c (forge-toggle-closed-visibility)

This command toggles whether closed topics are shown in the Magit status buffer.

Command: forge-add-user-repositories

This command reads a host and a username from the user and adds all of that user’s repositories on that host to the local database.

This may take a while. Only Github is supported at the moment.

Command: forge-add-organization-repositories

This command reads a host and an organization from the user and adds all the organization’s repositories on that host to the local database.

This may take a while. Only Github is supported at the moment.

Command: forge-remove-repository

This command reads a repository and removes it from the local database.

Command: forge-remove-topic-locally

This command reads a topic and removes it from the local database. The topic is not removed from the forge and, if it is later modified, then it will be added to the database again.

Due to how the supported APIs work, it would be too expensive to automatically remove topics from the local database that were removed from the forge. The only purpose of this command is to allow you to manually clean up the local database.

Command: forge-reset-database

This command moves the current database file to the trash and creates a new empty database.

This is useful after the database’s table schemata have changed, which will happen a few times while the Forge functionality is still under heavy development.

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