B.3 Supported Semi-Forges

B.3.1 Gitweb https://git-scm.com/docs/gitweb

B.3.1.1 Gitweb Caveats

  • I could find only one public installation (https://git.savannah.gnu.org), which gives users the choice between Gitweb and Cgit. The latter seems more popular (not just on this site).

B.3.2 Cgit https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/about

B.3.2.1 Cgit Caveats

  • Different sites use different URL schemata and some of the bigger sites use a fork. For this reason Forge has to provide several classes to support different variations of Cgit and you have to look at their definitions to figure out which one is the correct one for a particular installation.

B.3.3 Stgit https://codemadness.org/git/stagit/file/README.html

B.3.3.1 Stgit Caveats

  • Stgit cannot show logs for branches beside "master". For that reason Forge takes users to a page listing the branches when they request the log for a particular branch (even for "master" whose log is just one click away from there).

B.3.3.2 Stgit Hosts

B.3.4 Srht https://meta.sr.ht

B.3.4.1 Srht Caveats

  • Srht cannot show logs for branches beside "master". For that reason Forge takes users to a page listing the branches when they request the log for a particular branch (even for "master" whose log is just one click away from there).

B.3.4.2 Srht Hosts